Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville 5
CP 152
1096 Cully
- Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
- Integrated Water Resources Management
- Water Policy
- Water supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- Water Technology
- Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus

ECOPSIS brings cutting-edge technical sectorial technical knowledge to inform infrastructure investment and services design as well as policy and strategy development. Working with national and & local governments, development partners and NGOs, we support our clients to tackle the multiple dimensions of resilient services: the environmental context, including climate hazards, socio-economic conditions, institutional and financial arrangements as well as organisational capacity.
ECOPSIS works with national & local governments, development partners, research institutes, consulting engineering firms and private operators to advise them on optimum technical, financial and institutional arrangements to improve for sanitation and water services.
ECOPSIS is a specialised and independent consultancy firm, working with a large network of partners worldwide. ECOPSIS focuses on the provision of tailored services that respond to our clients’ needs.
ECOPSIS has worked in over 60 countries globally.