About Swiss Water Partnership

SWP in a Nutshell

The Swiss Water Partnership (SWP) is a multi-stakeholder platform launched in 2012 bringing together around 70 Swiss organisations from academia, civil society, public and private sectors. Jointly, our members contribute to solving global water challenges by developing, sharing and implementing innovative and sustainable solutions in developing and transition countries.

Presentation of SWP
SWP 10 years celebration at the General Assembly at ZHAW in Wädenswil
The Swiss Water Partnership celebrated its 10 years existence at the 2022 General Assembly at ZHAW in Wädenswil

Vision & Objectives

Swiss Pavilion at World Water Forum 2022 in Dakar
The Swiss Pavilion at the World Water Forum 2022 in Dakar - A joint effort by the SWP and SDC

Our vision is to be a globally recognized Swiss platform of high-quality transdisciplinary water solutions.

We aim for Swiss know-how and expertise to contribute to global water security for sustainable development.

Our role is to bring together the stakeholders in the Swiss water sector, including Youth, to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, to learn, co-develop and jointly contribute to innovative solutions to global water challenges.

Our objectives:


The SWP has three main bodies: The General Assembly representing the members, the Steering Board, and the Secretariat.


SWP brings together around 70 member organisations. Any organisation based in Switzerland working on international water issues can become a member of the SWP by accepting its statutes. Each member has one vote in the General Assembly. Discover our member organisations, their thematic expertise and countries of work here.

Steering Board

Members of the Steering Board are elected for a term of three years and can be re-elected. The Steering Board decides on all matters not delegated to another body and represents the association vis-à-vis third parties.

Dorothee Spuhler

Dorothee Spuhler


Johannes Heeb


Andreas Zysset


Karin Gallandat

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

Chris Zurbrügg


Eric Plan


Mark Untersander

Mark Untersander

Switzerland Global Enterprise

Akanksha Jain

Akanksha Jain

SWP Youth

Frank Wiederkehr

Skat Consulting


The SWP Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day business of the partnership and ensures activities are in line with the overall objectives and as per the guidance provided by the Steering Board. The current Secretariat team consists of three water experts, and a part-time bookkeeper. Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation has been mandated to host the Secretariat.

Michèle Heeb


Bernita Doornbos

Secretary General

Delphine Magara

Delphine Magara

Focal Point Youth

Rahel Maria Öhri




The SWP logo is available for download.

Terms of use:
For media request, please contact us.

Media reports and articles